message from the founder

Dr. Faustina Hayford Blankson

As a woman from a developing country, Ghana, I have developed a personal interest and motivation for investigating the health issues facing women and other individuals of low-income status in developing countries. Growing up in Ghana, I was exposed to the seriousness of the health issues many women face.  Perhaps, the most disturbing to me at the time was the fact that many women around me were dying from preventable diseases and pregnancy-related complications. This early exposure aroused my curiosity about the problem. Unfortunately, I also learned that many of the poor women do not utilize available health care services but rely instead on traditional health care providers, herbalists and native doctors. This recalls my memory of a woman I saw being interviewed on television when I visited Ghana in 2006. The woman had breast cancer and had been seeing a traditional health practitioner instead of seeking medical treatment. Consequently, her breast cancer had reached an incurable stage.    

Over the years, and as I became more educated in health intervention and promotion, I realized that women in developing countries could achieve better health if the reasons for their poor state of health is understood and the appropriate and necessary measures are taken to address them.  With this understanding, I have cultivated a strong passion for investigating the reasons or factors that contribute to the poor health of women, particularly those in low-income status in developing countries. 

My views on health are shaped by my experiences including my Christian beliefs, which are anchored in love, selfless giving, and care for one another. I strongly believe that life is precious and that we have all been created to fulfill our life purposes. For me as a health educator, this means helping to improve the health of individuals, communities, and the public, especially those in the developing world.  As a woman from a society where most women and children do not have access to proper health care and have little or no knowledge of how to live a healthy life, I believe that helping to provide enrichment in their lives would be a great blessing. I have been fortunate to have an education that allows me to assist women and youth with their health needs and, ultimately, contribute towards building a healthy global community. Making a difference in people’s life is what I strive to accomplish every day. I consider being able to assist people in improving their health a privilege. Thus, The Ayensua B Health Enrichment Foundation is founded on the premises of making this difference in peoples’ life.