What We Do

1. Health Education & Awareness

The Ayensua B Enrichment Foundation provides programs that allows individuals and communities to become knowledgeable of the importance in choosing to live a healthier life.  Through education, people become aware of the personal choices that influence their life expectancy overall well-being. Our education and awareness programs are specifically designed to promote awareness and provides the necessary skills to reduce the uncertainties and incidents caused by health issues that can be prevented, as well as delaying the onset of the ones that cannot be prevented.  

2. Women & Youth Health Promotion

The Foundation provides services that raises the awareness of health issues women and youth face.  These services educates them to see the burden of health on themselves and the nation.  Our clients walk away with tools that that will empower them to make responsible health choices when dealing with those health issues and diseases. The focus is promoting self-confidence and self-efficacy when making informed health decisions. 

3. Training & Skill Development

Health professionals such as nurses, physicians, health ministers, traditional healers, are trained by health experts working with the foundation to better understand the importance of personal health, especially women’s health in order to provide better and effective health services to their patients/clients. 

4. Research in Preventive Health

Research on various health topics are conducted by the Foundation. This provides current information to be utilized by the Foundation and enables us to develop appropriate programs to address the issues women or the youth face when seeking health care services and dealing with any health issues.

5. Advocacy - Women & Youth  

The Foundation strives to be the “voice” for the “voiceless” when it comes to health needs of women and the youth. Women play a pivotal role in their family, and ill health of women does not affect only them but affects the entire family. Better health of women translates to better health of the family. The health of youth is very important because without good health and healthy behaviors, we lose the future of the nation through morbidity or mortality. Therefore, the Foundation engages and supports both women and youth in their health decision making and influence government and other non-governmental institutions to support them as well. The Foundation again advocates for the provision of effective health services for women and youth from all health sectors.

6. International/Domestic Student Internship and Service Learning

The Ayensua B Health Enrichment Foundation allows Ghanaian and foreign students fulfill their programs requirements of internship and service learning.  This internship and service-learning program provide several benefits to the students. First, students from all health discipline can participate. Second, we believe that the opportunity for students to engage directly in international health initiatives is an invaluable life-time experience. Third, the internship and service-learning program also provide students with the opportunities to engage major cultural, social and environmental issues as reflected in patterns of health and their impact. Fourth, both foreign and Ghanaian students can apply their classroom knowledge to the real world. Last, the students get to learn from others with different background and health perspectives. 

The overall goal of the internship/service-learning program is to provide students with an engaging, collaborative, hands-on approach to understanding and investigating health-related issues in societies. Not only will the program expose students to culturally and academically enriching experiences, it also seeks to establish long term relationships with universities in Ghana and broad.

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